Sportstraining-Weightloss-CPT, CES, PES, CNC, is the Content Strategist with Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA. A 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry, she's worked with the top certification and continuing education groups. At Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA she drives the content for American Fitness Magazine, blog and the social media platforms. Stacey received her degree in Athletic Training/PE from San Diego State University and an MS in Exercise Science from CalU, credentials in Health Promotion Management & Consulting (UCSD), Instructional Technology (SDSU), group fitness and yoga. Previous San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force Chair, she’s developed continuing education curriculum for fitness organizations in addition to personal training, writing, and co-coaching youth rec soccer."> Sportstraining-Weightloss-CPT, CES, PES, CNC, is the Content Strategist with Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA. A 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry, she's worked with the top certification and continuing education groups. At Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA she drives the content for American Fitness Magazine, blog and the social media platforms. Stacey received her degree in Athletic Training/PE from San Diego State University and an MS in Exercise Science from CalU, credentials in Health Promotion Management & Consulting (UCSD), Instructional Technology (SDSU), group fitness and yoga. Previous San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force Chair, she’s developed continuing education curriculum for fitness organizations in addition to personal training, writing, and co-coaching youth rec soccer."> Sportstraining-Weightloss-CPT, CES, PES, CNC, is the Content Strategist with Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA. A 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry, she's worked with the top certification and continuing education groups. At Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA she drives the content for American Fitness Magazine, blog and the social media platforms. Stacey received her degree in Athletic Training/PE from San Diego State University and an MS in Exercise Science from CalU, credentials in Health Promotion Management & Consulting (UCSD), Instructional Technology (SDSU), group fitness and yoga. Previous San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force Chair, she’s developed continuing education curriculum for fitness organizations in addition to personal training, writing, and co-coaching youth rec soccer.">

Stacey Penney

Stacey Penney
Stacey Penney, MS, Sportstraining-Weightloss-CPT, ESTAS, PES, CNC, is the Content Strategist with Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA. A 20+ year veteran of the fitness industry, she's worked with the top certification and continuing education groups. At Sportstraining-Weightloss and AFAA she drives the content for American Fitness Magazine, blog and the social media platforms. Stacey received her degree in Athletic Training/PE from San Diego State University and an MS in Exercise Science from CalU, credentials in Health Promotion Management & Consulting (UCSD), Instructional Technology (SDSU), group fitness and yoga. Previous San Diego Fall Prevention Task Force Chair, she’s developed continuing education curriculum for fitness organizations in addition to personal training, writing, and co-coaching youth rec soccer.

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