¿Por qué los entrenadores personales deberían enseñar ciclismo indoor?
“Enseñar ciclismo indoor? Who, me? I don’t think so. I’m a trainer!”
No es raro escuchar fitness grupal departamentos en desacuerdo con entrenamiento personal equipos.
Instead of working together to help members get the most out of their complete gym experience, trainers often look down on group fitness programs and may not recommend that clients take classes. On the other hand, some group fitness instructors may generally view trainers as being elitist.
Si bien muchos se contentan con pensar que los mundos del entrenamiento personal y el fitness grupal simplemente coexisten, los profesionales del fitness experimentados están reconociendo los beneficios de jugar en ambos lados.
El entrenador reflexivo y oportunista se da cuenta de que enseñar ciclismo indoor abre oportunidades para mejorar su negocio, así como mejorar sus habilidades como formador.
Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a cómo los entrenadores personales pueden aumentar el negocio a través del ciclismo indoor. y ¡Mejora su conjunto de habilidades en el camino!
Cómo el ciclismo indoor puede ayudarte a conquistar clientes
¡Gana tiempo en la cara! Reglas de probabilidad.
The more people you get in front of each day, the more opportunities you have to book a session. The chances exponentially increase.
En lugar de tratar de encontrar una manera de entablar una conversación y venderse, hay un grupo de personas, sentadas en bicicletas, atadas con correas o en pedales, mirándote. Esta audiencia absorta y dispuesta, que elige escuchar atentamente, ahora se aferra a cada una de sus palabras.
Construya una relación y conéctese.
This group soon becomes connected to you, and you to them. You know their names, hobbies, likes, dislikes and have built a relationship. They trust you and your leadership. They ask you for advice because you take a personal interest in them.
Ya sean atletas competitivos, madres ocupadas, personas mayores jubiladas, personas que hacen dieta crónica, guerreros de fin de semana o ejecutivos estresados, creen que usted puede ayudarlos a alcanzar sus metas de salud y estado físico.
Relacionado: Cómo construir una comunidad de capacitación
Mostrar evidencia de preparación y trabajo.
Your cyclists recognize your work ethic. You come to class prepared with a plan, complete with clear objectives. You are even willing to put in the sweat equity with them, as you walk the walk. They have no reason to believe that you’ll be any different as a trainer, designing thoughtful and carefully planned programs.
Demostrar profesionalismo y actitud positiva.
You respect your participants’ time. By being 10-15 minutes early, you are there to meet and greet them as they walk in the cycling studio. You also start and end on time, using your time together as productively as possible. You look the part and take your responsibility seriously. This is evident by how you dress, talk and act. You are a true leader, respectful, organized, positive and ready to work. These are qualities of any sought after personal trainer.
Comparte la ciencia
You have the opportunity to show your class that you know your stuff. You are educated regarding anatomy, physiology and kinesiology, and you know how to apply your knowledge and create great classes.
By sharing information about heart rate, energy systems, fuel sources, base training, EPOC, fat loss, caloric expenditure, VO2, improved performance and other topics that surface in cycling class, you advertise your education. You prove your credibility, and again, let them know that you can help them reach their fitness goals on and off the bike.

Adopta el deporte del ciclismo.
Indoor cycling classes often draw outdoor cyclists looking for more time in the saddle. By speaking in terms of performance and using terms and concepts, including power, watts, rpms, etc., you let this group know that you have the skills and knowledge to help them improve specifically as cyclists.
Además, al hacer demostraciones de estiramientos específicos y aludir a ejercicios de fuerza que satisfacen las necesidades de los ciclistas, seguro que atraerás el interés de aquellos que quieran mejorar su conducción dentro y fuera del estudio.
Comparte inspiración personal
You’ve got the mic. You’ve got the floor. Let your class know the books you’re reading or listening to. Share some recent statistics or research you’ve read. Let your class in on what inspires you, what keeps you on your ‘A’ game.
Doing this shows participants that you are a lifelong learner who values keeping up-to-date and staying on the cutting edge of your profession. You are definitely a trainer they want to hire.
Cómo el ciclismo indoor puede ayudarte a convertirte en un mejor entrenador
Las ventajas no terminan con nuevos clientes. Como entrenador de ciclismo de interior, desarrollará valiosos conjuntos de habilidades que puede aplicar más allá de la clase de ciclismo. Aquí hay más beneficios:
Aprende a trabajar bien con una multitud
Honing the skill of making more than one person feel important at a time is incredibly valuable. This prepares you for small group training, whether it is a group of two or 10.
Como un instructor de grupo, obtiene un ojo para identificar movimientos y problemas que necesitan ser corregidos, y aprende cómo hacer que las personas se muevan de manera segura sin dedicar demasiado tiempo a los detalles.
The details come in time, but you have the skills to move classes and clients forward in a way that feels inclusive and supportive. You are able to discern when and where to spend more time with someone to help them feel successful, yet remain safe.
Haz que cada palabra cuente
Giving too many instructions and over explaining can be confusing to clients. It’s key to give clients space to explore an exercise, feel the sensations in their body and self-organize a movement pattern.
In a cycling class, it is much the same. With the music blaring and the mic amplifying your voice, a cycling instructor learns to make every word count. Messages get lost with too much talking, so brief, concise cuing is necessary in class.
Esta habilidad le ayudará a conseguir que los clientes hagan lo que quiere antes, con menos confusión, y le permitirá aprovechar al máximo su tiempo en cada sesión.

Crea experiencias divertidas y atractivas
Esforzarse por crear clases de ciclismo atractivas lo ayudará a ser más consciente de la creación de sesiones individuales o en grupos pequeños interesantes y agradables. Definitivamente quieres ser más que un entrenador que se queda ahí y cuenta.
Your instructor hat can inspire you to incorporate interactive exercises, where you as the coach actually participate. Because of cycling classes, you’re much more aware of the energy and vibe created by music. You will likely be moved to pull out some of the songs and tracks that rock in the cycling studio and use them on the training floor for your sessions.
Mejorar las habilidades de coaching
As an indoor cycling instructor, you learn that people respond differently to various styles of coaching. What motivates one person may not resonate with another. Instructors develop the skills to engage everyone by using various coaching techniques.
Los instructores de ciclismo exitosos son versátiles en cómo se mueven por la sala, cómo eligen sus palabras e incluso cómo interactúan personalmente y se involucran con los participantes individualmente.
La experiencia en instruir a una multitud diversa aumentará su comprensión de lo que hace que diferentes personas renuncien, presionen o se mantengan motivadas, y podrá capacitarlos adecuadamente.
Personal trainers can surely benefit from teaching indoor cycling classes. Not only can the platform be used to beef up a client roster, but also fine tune and expand skills that make trainers incredible at what they already do. Lean in, go for it, take advantage of the opportunity and hop on the bike!
Conviértete en un instructor certificado de ciclismo indoor (CICI) en tan solo 8 semanas con El nuevo G.E.A.R. de AFAA Certificación de instructor de ciclismo indoor.
Muhammad Hassan
Excellent advice for struggling personal trainers.
Robin Yakhour
There's a lot of spot-on info here. I've been a weight-floor meat-head that also does spin for many years (before getting my certification and after). You definitely establish a favorite cycling instructor who knows their stuff that you go to for advice would consider doing some training with.
Virginia Estrada
I been thinking about being a spin trainer...I just need more information about how to get help on paying for it and getting a daycare for my child.